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All Purchases Support Illini Union Student Events and Activities

New Student Registration

Hiring Information

Work for the Illini Union Bookstore! Do you have excellent customer service skills and a desire to work in a fast-paced retail environment?  Apply here.


Purchase your textbooks now!
o You choose between purchasing print or a digital copy

Tech Zone

We have all of your technology needs covered!
o Upgrade from your Chromebook to a college computer (laptop or desktop) from your campus store!  Visit us here.
o See your college's or school's recommendations here
o Cool accessories to make your machine work better.
o Don't forget: Security, Warranty, Back-up!
o Educational pricing on everything!

More than Just Textbooks

o School supplies--from notebooks to calculators
o Lab & art supplies
o Apparel, gifts, general books and more!
o Watch our video here

Illini Cash

Illini Cash offers convenience for students, faculty, and staff to use your i-card for purchases. No need to carry cash, as Illini Cash is accepted at numerous locations on campus. Adding Illini Cash to your i-card is a quick and convenient way to purchase food, books, computer equipment, printing, and other select services across campus.  For more information visit here
Click here to add money to your account.